Even babies know that wage theft stinks! That's why my son Daniel is asking you to join him in the fight against wage theft by sponsoring the Faith and Labor Picnic.
Daniel has been counting up our Faith and Labor Picnic sponsorships, and he tells me that we're over halfway to our goal of $6,250 in sponsorships. But he needs your help to make sure we meet our goal!
Here are just a few ways that your sponsorship will stop stinky wage theft:
- making possible our new campaign for a Shelby County wage theft ordinance. When it's passed, workers will have a simple way to recover their stolen wages from employers.
- supporting our Workers' Center, which has used community pressure to recover over $71,000 in stolen wages in the last four years.
- educating workers about their rights to fair pay and ways they can prevent wage theft.
WIN's executive director and Daniel's mom